Recipe: Delicious Green Thai Tea Latte

Green Thai Tea Latte. Thai green tea which is used to make regular iced green tea latte, comes in powder form as a mix and has a distinctive taste. Warm over medium heat while whisking until hot and foamy. Hot Thai Tea Latte is not yet a 'thing', but Thai Iced Tea or Thai Cold Tea (Cha Num yen) is a very popular drink in both Thailand and even all over the world.

Green Thai Tea Latte Traditional lattes are a blend of steamed milk and espresso, but in a green tea latte, we remove the coffee and use tea in its place. You can use any type of green tea to make a latte, but the most common one these days is definitely a matcha latte.. This is a pretty sweet version of Chai. You can cook Green Thai Tea Latte using 6 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Green Thai Tea Latte

  1. Prepare 1 Sudu makan of Green Thai tea.
  2. You need 300 ml of Air.
  3. You need 4 Sudu Makan of Gula Lakanto.
  4. Prepare 4 Sudu makan of Susu pekat.
  5. Prepare 300 ml of Susu Segar/Full Cream.
  6. Prepare 2 Cawan of Ais batu.

I made it on the stovetop so that it would be as hot as possible. It's my new favorite Chai recipe. A tea latte is a drink made with tea and steamed or frothed milk. Any kind of tea can be used to make a tea latte.

Green Thai Tea Latte instructions

  1. Sediakan semua bahan-bahan.
  2. Satukan Green Thai Tea dengan air,rebus hingga mendidih. Tutup api..
  3. Tapis Green Thai tea. Biarkan suam..
  4. Tuangkan Green Thai Tea Kedalam gelas, masukan gula lakanto,kacau hingga gula hancur..
  5. Masukan Susu Pekat, kacau sebati..
  6. Masukan Ais batu, tuangkan Susu segar/Full Cream/Whipping cream.
  7. Green Thai Tea Latte Sedia untuk dihidang..
  8. Selamat mencuba dan semoga berjaya 😘😘😘.

It can be made hot or iced. Chai and matcha green tea make really tasty tea lattes since they go so well with milk. Chai Tea Latte Tips What's in a chai tea? Chai tea is a black tea blend from India and literally translates to "tea" in Hindi. The tea is full of flavor because of its many spices, like ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, black pepper and cloves.


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